My public IP address is:
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Is my location exposed? Your location is hidden!
Is my IP on a VPN? Detected!
Is my IP on a Proxy? Not Detected
Is my IP on a TOR? Not Detected
IP address information
IPv6 Not Detected
Country United States
Country Code US
Region Ohio
City Columbus
ZIP 43216
Time Zone America/New_York
Latitude 39.9611755
Longitude -82.9987942
ISP information
Name Amazon Technologies Inc.
Map Location
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What is an IP address?

An IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. It serves as an identifier for your device on the internet.

Why do I need to know my IP address?

Knowing your IP address can be useful for various reasons, such as troubleshooting network issues, setting up remote access to your device, or ensuring your privacy and security online.

Can I determine my location from my IP address?

Yes, to a certain extent. Your IP address can provide a general idea of your location, typically down to the city level. However, it's not precise and can't pinpoint your exact physical address.

Can someone track my location using my IP address?

While your IP address can give a general indication of your location, it's usually not accurate enough for someone to track you down precisely. Additionally, your ISP might assign you a dynamic IP address that changes over time, further complicating precise tracking.

Does using a VPN hide my IP address?

Yes, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can conceal your IP address by routing your internet traffic through a server operated by the VPN provider. This makes it appear as if your traffic is originating from the VPN server's IP address rather than your own.

Is my location exposed when I use a VPN?

No, when you use a VPN, your actual location is hidden because websites and online services see the IP address of the VPN server rather than your own IP address.

Are there risks associated with revealing my IP address?

While revealing your IP address itself isn't inherently risky, it can potentially be used by malicious actors for various purposes, such as tracking your online activities or launching targeted attacks. It's important to be cautious about sharing your IP address with unknown or untrusted parties.