Text Case:
  Remove Number
  Transliterator (eg. مرحبا بالعالم = mrhba-balalm, こんにちは世界 = kon-nichiha-shi-jie; this option is not 100% accurate)
The output will be shown here.

What is Slug Generator?

Slug Generator is a convenient online tool tailored to create SEO-friendly slugs or URL-friendly strings from given input text. It enables users to swiftly generate slugs for various purposes such as website URLs, blog post URLs, and more.

Key Features:

Customizable Separator: Users can select their preferred separator character between words in the slug. Options include dash (-) or underscore (_), providing flexibility to align with different URL formatting preferences.

Text Case Options: Choose from a range of text case options to suit your requirements:

  • Default Case: Maintains the original case of the input text.
  • Lowercase: Converts all characters to lowercase.
  • Uppercase: Converts all characters to uppercase.
  • Number Removal: Optionally remove numbers from the generated slug, ensuring clean and concise URLs.

Transliterator Support: Slug Generator supports non-Latin characters and provides a transliterator feature. This functionality enables users to convert non-Latin characters to Latin characters, facilitating compatibility with URL encoding standards.

SEO-Friendly Slugs: Generate slugs optimized for search engines, enhancing the visibility and accessibility of web content.

Versatile Usage: Whether you're creating slugs for web pages, blog posts, or product listings, Slug Generator streamlines the process with its intuitive interface and customizable options.

Efficient Workflow: With Slug Generator, users can swiftly generate slugs tailored to their preferences, saving time and effort in URL formatting tasks.

How to Use Slug Generator:

  1. Simply just type or paste your text to the input field.
  2. Select options: separator, text case.
  3. Enable number removal if needed.
  4. Enable transliteration if needed.
  5. Click "Generate" for instant results.
  6. Copy the generated slug.
  7. Repeat or adjust options as necessary.