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What is Bionic Reading Converter?

Online Bionic Reading Converter is a web-based tool designed to assist users in practicing fast reading or speed reading. This free tool converts texts into Bionic Reading mode, a method developed by Renato Casutt to help individuals read faster by highlighting the initial letters of words.

Here's how the Online Bionic Reading Converter works:

Conversion of Texts: Users can input their text or import PDF ebooks or EPUBs into the tool. The converter then extracts the text from PDF or EPUB files and automatically converts it into Bionic Reading format.

Export Options: After converting the text, users have the option to export the result in various formats, including PDF, EPUB, HTML. This versatility allows users to choose the format that best suits their needs.

Bionic Reading Methodology: In Bionic Reading mode, the initial letters of words are highlighted, allowing users to read the text faster by focusing solely on these highlighted letters. The brain automatically completes the remaining parts of the words, leveraging its ability to process information more quickly than the eyes. This methodology aims to increase reading efficiency and comprehension compared to traditional reading methods.

Practical Use: Users can utilize the Online Bionic Reading Converter for various purposes, such as reading articles within a limited time frame. By copying and pasting the content into the tool, users can experience faster reading speeds with the assistance of the Bionic Reading system.

Visual Comparison: The tool provides a visual comparison between standard text and Bionic Reading mode, illustrating the difference between the two reading modes side by side.

How to Use:

  1. Simply type or paste your text into the input field
  2. Adjust fixation, Higher fixation will result in a higher highlighting of text.
  3. The output will be shown in real time
  4. Export the output by clicking the Export button and choose the method you want to export, which includes exporting to Text, HTML, PDF, and EPUB.