The output will be shown here immediately as you type or paste your text.

What is Case Converter?

Case Converter is a convenient online tool designed to easily change the letter case of text. Whether you need to convert text to Title Case, Sentence case, toggle case, lowercase, uppercase, mixed case, or inverted case, Case Converter provides a simple solution for all your case conversion needs.

Key Features:

Title Case: Convert text to Title Case, where the first letter of each word is capitalized.
Sentence Case: Convert text to Sentence case, where only the first letter of the first word is capitalized.
Toggle Case: Toggle the case of each character in the text, switching between uppercase and lowercase.
Lowercase: Convert text to all lowercase letters.
Uppercase: Convert text to all uppercase letters.
Mixed Case: Convert text to Mixed case, where the case of each character is preserved except for the initial character of each word.
Inverted Case: Invert the case of each character in the text, turning uppercase letters into lowercase and vice versa.

How to Use:

  1. Enter or paste your text into the input field.
  2. Select the desired case conversion option.
  3. As you type or paste, the converted text is instantly updated in real-time, providing immediate output.
  4. Copy the converted text from the output field and use it as needed for your projects, documents, or communications.

With Case Converter, adjusting the letter case of your text has never been easier. Enjoy seamless conversions and polished results in seconds.