The 20 Most Dangerous Places to Travel Around the World

The 20 Most Dangerous Places to Travel Around the World

The world is full of beautiful places to explore. No matter how adventurous you are, there are some places in the world that are just too dangerous to travel. The danger can come from various natural disasters and high crime rates; some places are just too risky to explore.

However, that doesn’t mean these places are off-limits to everyone. If you are willing to take the risk, then there are some amazing things to see and do in these dangerous places.

Here are the 20 Most Dangerous Places to Travel Around the World


1.North Sentinel Island (Andaman Islands)


North Sentinel Island -


North Sentinel Island is the most isolated and dangerous island in the world. It is located in the Andaman Islands and is surrounded by coral reefs.

The island has never been colonized by humans, but it has been visited by a few people, including anthropologists, Indian Coast Guard officers, and an Indian Navy officer. They have found evidence of human activity on the island, such as footprints, pottery shards, and fire pits.

The North Sentinelese tribe that inhabits this island are known to be hostile to outsiders and are likely to attack anyone who comes near them or their territory.

According to the Andaman Trunk Road Transport Corporation, two fishermen were killed in the Sentinelese territory in 2006. The Indian Navy officer from 2006 called the tribe’s response “extremely violent” and said that he thought it was a “50-50 chance of survival from them.”

There is also a Christian missionary, John Allen Chau, who died on October 26, 2018, after being killed by the Sentinelese tribe. John Allen Chau was a self-described "missionary explorer" and "adventurer" who had been attempting to make contact with the Sentinelese people for over a year before his death. His death is widely thought to be due to his efforts to convert them from their animist religion and way of life.

John Allen Chau was on an unauthorized visit to the island of North Sentinel. The tribe he was dealing with was one of the last uncontacted tribes, and they are known for their resistance to outside contact. They have lived in isolation for 60,000 years and have no immunity to diseases from other parts of the world.

John Allen Chau's death is one of the most recent cases of people being killed by tribes outside of society's reach, and it has sparked debates about whether or not we should be trying to make contact with these tribes at all.


2.Snake Island (Brazil)


Snake Island -


Snake Island (Ilha da Queimada Grande) is a small island in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Brazil. It is one of the most dangerous & poisonous places on Earth because it has many species of venomous snakes. The only people who live on Snake Island are a few Brazilian fishermen and a team of scientists who monitor the island's wildlife.

Ocean currents and waves have isolated the island for a long time. The snakes have multiplied over time, and now there are an estimated 1 million of them.

The snakes live on the island because it is a predator-free environment without any other wildlife. Other animals, such as birds and rodents, fled the island when the snakes started living there.

There is also a theory that the snakes got to the island when a tsunami in 1857 created shipwrecks and dropped some snakes on the island.


3.Mount Everest (Nepal)


Mount Everest -


Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. It is located between China and Nepal.

Mount Everest has been a challenge for many climbers. It is considered one of the most dangerous mountains to climb because of its high altitude and unpredictable weather conditions.

The summit of Mount Everest is called "the death zone" because it is too high for humans to live permanently and because of how difficult it is to climb. Standing at 8,848 meters (29,029 feet) above sea level, the temperature on Mount Everest can range from -40 degrees Celsius (-40 degrees Fahrenheit) to -25 degrees Celsius (-13 degrees Fahrenheit) , but it is usually below freezing point.

It has been witness to many deaths and accidents. It is estimated that about 282 people have died on this mountain due to avalanches, blizzards, falls, and other natural disasters.

The first successful summit of Mount Everest was achieved on May 29, 1953, by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay. Since then, more than 3,000 people have climbed to the top of Mount Everest.


4.Yungas Road (Bolivia)


Yungas Road -


The Yungas Road, often called "The Death Road," is a dangerous mountain road in Bolivia. It's one of the most dangerous roads in the world.

The road has had a history of landslides, frost heaves, and other natural disasters leading to many deaths. In 2007, an estimated 200 people died when a landslide buried cars and buses on this treacherous stretch of road.

The Yungas Road is more than just a dangerous mountain highway. It's also a symbol of Bolivia's history and culture, intricately linked to its geography and climate. The route was originally built by hand during the 1930s and wasn't paved until 1974.

The name comes from the route's steepness and many hairpin turns, which are so close together that it feels like driving on an endless staircase.

The road connected La Paz to Coroico and was built to transport agricultural goods from La Paz to Santa Cruz de la Sierra markets. It has been nicknamed "the most dangerous road in the world" because of its sheer drops and hairpin turns.


5.Chernobyl (Ukraine)


Chernobyl -


Chornobyl is a city in Ukraine. It is not a tourist destination, as it is still considered dangerous to visit. The Chornobyl nuclear disaster happened in 1986 when a nuclear reactor exploded. This was the worst nuclear accident in history.

The Chornobyl nuclear disaster was caused by human error and the poor design of the reactor. The explosion released large amounts of radiation into the atmosphere, which spread over much of Europe and caused widespread radioactive contamination.

The Chornobyl accident heavily contaminated land in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine with radioactive materials such as cesium-137 and strontium-90, which can cause cancer if absorbed by living organisms.

The radiation has been estimated to have caused thousands of cases of cancer among those exposed to it immediately or within a few years after exposure; it will eventually cause at least 4000 cases of cancer among those exposed over 20 years ago who were children when they were exposed (this number includes those who died from other causes).

There are now warning signs around the area telling people to stay away from it because it is still very dangerous to visit.


6.Death Valley (USA)


Death Valley -


Death Valley is the hottest, driest and lowest point in North America. It is located in California and Nevada.

Death Valley is one of the most extreme places on Earth. There are no buildings or houses, fewer trees and plants, and it's almost always hot, with temperatures reaching up to 56 degrees Celsius (134 degrees Fahrenheit).

It is also home to some of the most dangerous creatures on Earth, like scorpions, rattlesnakes, black widow spiders, and tarantulas. The valley has no permanent residents, but it is a popular tourist destination with people coming from all over the world to see its unusual landscape and wildlife.

It is also a popular place for hikers and bikers alike, but it's important to know how dangerous this place can be because many dangers lurk within its beautiful scenery. One of these dangers is heat stroke, which can happen when you're not properly hydrated or not wearing enough clothes. for protection from the sun's rays - even though it's wintertime!

The name Death Valley came from a story that was told by people who were exploring this area in 1849. They found a man who had died from thirst with his horse nearby. They said it looked like he died trying to find water, so they called the area Death Valley because of this man's death.


7.Darvaza Gas Crater (Turkmenistan)


Darvaza Gas Crater -


The Darvaza gas crater is a natural gas field in the middle of the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan. This crater was created when Soviet engineers set fire to underground natural gas storage in 1971. The burning continues to this day and has created a surreal landscape.

The crater is about 230 meters (750 ft) wide and 60 meters (200 ft) deep and is filled with natural gas. It has become a popular tourist attraction for adventurous travelers, who can descend into the crater, although it is not recommended to do so due to safety concerns.

This is one of the most dangerous places on earth, as there are no safety precautions taken by the locals and visitors. There are no fences or warning signs around this crater, which makes it easy for anyone to fall into it.


8.Lake Natron (Tanzania)


Lake Natron -


Lake Natron is a salt lake in Tanzania. It is known for its extremely high salinity, which can reach levels of 300-400%, making it one of the world's saltiest bodies of water.

The lake is located near the Kenyan border, and it lies at an altitude of 600 meters or 2000 feet above sea level. The lake's color ranges from dark red to pink or orange, depending on the season and when photos are taken. This color comes from algae that grow in the lake, as well as from flamingos and other birds who feed on them.

Along with its high salinity, The water temperature can reach up to 60 degrees Celsius (140 Fahrenheit), and has a pH level of 10.5. As such, most organisms cannot survive in this environment. When animals come into contact with water (such as flamingos), they are likely to die within minutes because their skin begins to dissolve due to contact with the highly corrosive water.

Lake Natron can be dangerous for people for many reasons. It can cause skin irritation if you are exposed to it for long periods without protection. If you are exposed to it for more than 15 minutes without protection, your skin will start burning and blistering, which will eventually lead to death.


9.Madidi National Park (Bolivia)


Madidi National Park -


Madidi National Park is a Bolivian national park that is home to the world's most diverse wildlife, and it's a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is also one of the most biodiverse areas on earth.

The park was founded in 1987 and covered an area of more than 2 million acres. It has been noted for its biodiversity, with over 3,000 species of plants identified so far and around 200 species of mammals, including jaguars, tapirs, giant anteaters, capybaras, and peccaries.

The Madidi National Park can be dangerous for tourists because there are many different animals that can be harmful to humans, such as the black caiman or piranha fish; there are also many poisonous plants that can cause severe itching, rash, and dizziness.


10.Danakil Desert (Ethiopia)


Danakil Desert -


The Danakil Desert is a barren and inhospitable place. It is located on the edge of the Ethiopian plateau in the Afar region of Ethiopia and Eritrea.

This desert has an elevation of 250 meters below sea level, making it one of the lowest points on Earth's surface; It is also the hottest place on Earth, with a temperature that can reach up to 55 degrees Celcius (131 degrees Fahrenheit) during the day and can drop to -10 degrees Celcius (14 degrees Fahrenheit) at night.

There are no trees or rivers, but there are some small springs that provide water for animals. The Danakil Desert is also one of the most dangerous places on Earth due to its high heat, lack of water, and active volcanoes, which emit poisonous gas that can lead to lung problems and other respiratory issues.


11.Bikini Atoll ( Marshall Islands)


Bikini Atoll -


Bikini Atoll is a small atoll in the Marshall Islands. It is a part of the Rongelap Atoll, which is a part of the Marshall Islands.

Bikini Atoll was chosen for nuclear testing by the United States between 1946 and 1958.

They detonated 23 nuclear bombs in total, which were equivalent to 1,200 Hiroshima-sized bombs. The tests were done to assess the impact of nuclear weapons on naval ships and aircraft carriers.

The explosions left behind radioactive material that contaminated more than 100 square miles of land on Bikini Atoll and neighboring islands.

The radioactive fallout has had long-term effects on the health of those living nearby, and many who have visited since then have suffered from radiation exposure-related illnesses.

Nowadays, the island is still contaminated with nuclear radiation and, therefore, dangerous for humans to live on. It's uninhabited and off-limits to visitors. But that doesn't mean people don't care about this place or want to learn more about it.


12.Mount Washington (USA)


Mount Washington -


Mount Washington is the highest peak in the northeastern United States. It is located in New Hampshire and is known for its severe, dangerous weather conditions year-round. It is also one of the windiest places on Earth. It has killed more than 100 people, who have died from falls, hypothermia, and heart attacks.

Mount Washington has been an important landmark for centuries because it offers a 360-degree view of New England, Quebec, and parts of New York state. The summit is home to an observatory that was established in 1842 and still operates today.

The summit is also known for its extreme weather conditions, which include heavy fog, strong winds, and freezing temperatures. Mount Washington holds many records for wind speed at the summit, including hurricane-force winds that can reach up to 200 mph.


13.Mount Sinabung (Indonesia)


Mount Sinabung -


Mount Sinabung is an active volcano in the Karo Regency of North Sumatra, Indonesia. It has erupted since 2010 and is still considered a very dangerous place to visit.

The eruption of Mount Sinabung in 2010 was one of the most devastating natural disasters to hit Indonesia. The volcano is still considered active and dangerous because it has erupted more than 20 times since 2010. There are no tourist facilities on the mountain, so visitors must be very careful when visiting the area.

The eruption was triggered by a series of earthquakes that caused the magma inside Mount Sinabung to rise up and create a dome about 3 km high and 5 km wide at its peak. This dome collapsed due to its weight on November 29th, 2018, causing pyroclastic flows that reached temperatures of 700-800° Celsius (1300-1500° Fahrenheit). The eruptions have been getting stronger since then, with no signs of stopping anytime soon.

The mountain has a height of 2,460 meters (8,070 ft). The name "Sinabung" comes from the word "sinar," meaning "to shine" or "to glitter."


14.Skeleton Coast (Namibia)


Skeleton Coast -


The Skeleton Coast is a treacherous and barren stretch of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean coast of Namibia. The name originates from the bleached white appearance of its sand, rocks, and occasional whale skeletons.

The Skeleton Coast is a very dangerous place for travelers. It is one of the most inaccessible regions in the world, with a lack of water and no roads or settlements within 200 km (120 miles) in any direction. The only inhabitants are the Himba people who live on the northern edge, and they are not welcoming to outsiders.

The Skeleton Coast has been a graveyard for many ships, but it also holds an important place in the history of South Africa and Namibia. The coast was used as an important trade route by European explorers, traders, prospectors, and settlers from the late 1700s to the early 1900s. For more than 100 years, it was also the site of a large diamond rush that attracted thousands of fortune seekers to this desolate part of Africa in search of diamonds.


15.Bermuda Triangle (North Atlantic)


Bermuda Triangle -


The Bermuda Triangle is a region in the North Atlantic Ocean where many ships and aircraft have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The first recorded shipwreck in the Bermuda Triangle was in 1918, when the USS Cyclops disappeared with 309 people on board. The last recorded shipwreck was in 2017, when El Faro sunk with 33 people on board.

The most famous case is the disappearance of Flight 19, a group of five US Navy TBM Avenger torpedo bombers that disappeared on December 5, 1945.

The Bermuda Triangle is notorious for its high number of disappearances and has been nicknamed the "Devil's Triangle". It covers an area of 500,000 square miles (1.3 million km2) with points at Miami in Florida, San Juan in Puerto Rico, and the Bermuda Islands.

It is believed to be cursed and dangerous for travelers due to unexplained disappearances and accidents since it was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492.


16.Dallol (Ethiopia)


Dallol -


Dallol (Ethiopia) is a town in the Danakil Depression, considered one of the hottest locations on Earth. The temperature can reach up to 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit), and it is not recommended to visit this location.

The town was first established in 1926 by the Italians, who were mining salt. However, they left in 1933 because of the hostile environment and the lack of resources available.

Dallol (Ethiopia) has an average temperature of 45 degrees Celsius (113 degrees Fahrenheit ), which is about 10 degrees higher than most places on Earth, making it one of the hottest places in the world.

The town's name comes from an Afar word meaning "heat" or "suffering." Dallol has been described as one of the most inhospitable places on Earth.


17.Fukushima (Japan)




Fukushima is an eastern coastal city in Japan. It is the capital of Fukushima Prefecture and the largest city in the Tōhoku region.

Fukushima was once a thriving fishing town, but now it is commonly known as the Fukushima nuclear disaster. On March 11 2011, an earthquake with a magnitude of 9.0 struck off the coast of Japan.

The earthquake caused a 15-meter (49 feet) tsunami that hit Fukushima and disabled the power supply and cooling of three Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactors; it is also destroying many homes and businesses and killing more than 15,000 people in total.

At the time of the earthquake, reactor 4 had been de-fueled. The remaining reactors were shut down automatically after the earthquake, but one reactor experienced a meltdown, and three others experienced severe damage.

On March 12, 2011, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) announced that high levels of radioactive substances had been detected outside of unit 2.

On March 13, 2011, the company said that no damage had been caused to containment or radiation leakage from fuel rods in Unit 2 and that radiation levels around it were normal for an operating nuclear plant. Furthermore, TEPCO confirmed that there was no health risk posed by the exposure.


18.Lake Nyos (Cameroon)


Lake Nyos-


Lake Nyos is a crater lake located in the Northwest Region of Cameroon.

The lake was first discovered by scientists in 1986 when they noticed a sudden change in the water level of Lake Nyos, which led to the release of large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The gas killed over 1700 people and thousands of animals in nearby villages from as far away as 20 kilometres, who were asleep at the time. The gas was so dense it even killed people who were standing on top of hills overlooking Lake Nyos because they breathed air that had been contaminated by the gas.

This disaster was caused by a volcanic eruption near Lake Nyos, which released large amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and created what's called a limnic eruption.


19.Fraser Island (Australia)


Fraser Island-


Fraser Island is a World Heritage Site and the largest sand island in the world.

It covers an area of approximately 720 km2 and is situated off the coast of Queensland, Australia. The island was named after Eliza Fraser, who survived a shipwreck there in 1836.

The island has a rich and diverse natural environment with many rare and endangered plants and animals. The island has a few settlements, mostly small townships that provide tourist accommodation. Fraser Island also has several lakes, one of which is Lake McKenzie.

In recent years, many people have died or been injured while visiting Fraser Island due to dangerous conditions such as rip currents, steep cliffs and sudden changes in weather conditions.


20.Fagradalsfjall (Iceland)




Fagradalsfjall is an incredibly beautiful and popular hiking spot in Iceland. It is a mountain in Iceland located in the Reykjanes peninsula, which is an active volcanic area. This means that the ground can be unstable, and there have been several eruptions in the past. The most recent eruption was on 3 August 2022, and there is always the potential for it to erupt again.

Fagradalsfjall is a tuya volcano with a height of 385 meters (1,263 feet). It is part of the Reykjanes Volcanic Belt, and the mountain has been used as a site for scientific research on volcanoes and their effects on the environment.



There are many dangerous places in the world. This article provided a list of 20 most dangerous places to visit, based on factors such as experiment history and natural disasters. When travelling, it is important to research the safety of your destination and be aware of the risks involved.